Chinese traditional  Massage inherits Chinese medicine, aromatherapy medicine
methods to derivate the unique massage techniques to promote a healthy well-being
system scientifically. Double your pleasure and indulge your senses in this truly exquisite
treatment that leaving the circulation smoother, tight muscle loosened and stress released.
Enjoying a relaxing foot massage while having your body lull and pamper to perfection.
Two treatments given simultaneously, interacts and blends its energies to
complement each other to restore balance and harmony to the body and soul.

Gua sha(Chinese: 刮痧,English: Skin scraping)
The main function of Guasha (scratching therapy) is bringing out the poisonous elements of our body, so as to prevent or relieve diseases like cold, high fever, etc. The masseur/masseuse scratches, usually your back and the back of your neck, with a piece of ox bone. In order to gain the curative result, force-scratching is needed. Thus, after you have had the scratching therapy, your back would look really terrible - strips of bruise will be on. However, it’s a worry-free treatment, looks painful, but actually not. But before you take Guasha, there is one thing to consider- the masseur/masseuse would suggest you not to take a bath or shower on the day that you have the Guasha (to avoid coldness getting into body) until the day after.

拔罐,cupping therapy )
Cupping is an effective therapy.
The heat produced in the cup by lighting the ethanol in the cup, then press the cup
onto the back, neck or even on forehead, then last for 10 minutes or so. This treatment
works good on muscular aches, cold, neck, back, head, shoulder, arm aches.

A foot bath scented with rose petals freshens and relaxes your tired,
achy feet at the end of a long day. Mix the ingredients for a rose petal
foot bath in bulk, divide it into decorative jars and give each as a
handmade holiday present to all of your friends and family. Use rose
petals from your garden for a special, personalized touch.