


气喘 关节炎 贫血
bad breath口臭 back pain腰痛 beauty and freckle  雀斑
constipation便秘 cleaning liver脏疾病肝 cold and flu感冒
clearing heat toxic清热解毒 diabetes 糖尿病 detoxfy blood清血
disharge妇科疾病 epilepsy羊癫疯 eye tonis眼睛疾病
gout痛风 migraine头痛 high blood高血压
hair loss &grey hair脱发白发 heart disease心脏疾病 hiv and aids艾滋病
insomnia失眠 infertility生育问题 itred and deficiencies气虚
knee pain膝盖痛 impotence阳痿 long time cough咳嗽
menstruation月经不调 menopausal 更年期 memory 健忘症
neck pain脖子痛 night sweat盗汗和自汗 oedema水肿
prostate disease前列腺疾病 piles.Hemorrhoids痔疮 quit smoking戒烟
shoulder pain肩膀痛 sinusitis鼻炎 stroke  中风
thyroid咽喉炎 ulcer肠胃疾病 cancer 癌症

